Bible Application Class
We believe the Bible is how God reveals Himself to us. Through verse-by-verse teaching, we help people grow in their understanding and application of scripture so that ultimately, they can know God more and be better equipped to live lives that bear fruit for the sake of the kingdom.

To teach people how to understand and apply God’s Word through verse-by-verse contextual analysis, so that their lives bear fruit, and they encourage others to do the same.

We believe the Bible is how God reveals himself to mankind and therefore serves as our authority for human conduct and the primary means of spiritual growth.

To see people confidently building Bible literacy in an effort to know God, to become more Christ-like, and to be better equipped to share the truth of God’s Word with others.
Our Story
After months of prayer, the Bible Application Class (BAC) was founded in Raleigh, North Carolina in 1987 by Cheryl Hall who taught a small group of women hungry to apply to the Word of God. Since then, this ministry has influenced more than 2,000 individuals from 50 different churches in the area.

What We Believe
BAC feels strongly that it is not a substitute for the local church. We focus on teaching God’s Word in a comprehensive way to then send class members back to their local churches trained in Scripture and eager to serve to Lord with the gifts He has given them to build unity in the church.
Our Outreach
Along with studying God’s Word, BAC provides opportunities throughout the year for members to engage in outreach projects and apply God’s Word in very practical, and needed, ways.
pounds of food collected for Urban Ministries
Christmas gifts for Raleigh Rescue Mission
shoe boxes collected for Operation Christmas Child
delivered to help soldiers and their families
“Jesus Videos” distributed in downtown Raleigh to the Homeless Men Project